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Jennifer Aniston Boycott!

Discussion in 'Celebrity Extra' started by JABYCTT, Aug 3, 2013.



    Jul 28, 2013
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    The Jennifer Aniston Boycott!

    Sign the Petition!

    Petition Letter:

    We are boycotting Jennifer Aniston, her new movie "We're the Millers", and ALL her future movies, TV shows and product endorsements!

    For over a decade, Jennifer Aniston and her PR-team have been continually and intentionally deceiving us about the inclusion of nudity by her in her movies!

    Jennifer and her PR-team are aware that she's considered one of the "hottest" celebs around (evidenced by her frequent appearances in "sexiest women in world" lists) and that she has a large male "following”. So they know any suggestion she may have a nude-scene in one of her upcoming movies will cause a lot of excitement and buzz, get lots of press coverage and result in more ticket sales. Which is what happens, but there's one big problem: THERE IS NEVER ANY VISIBLE NUDITY IN ANY OF HER MOVIES!! The hyped-up “nude-scenes” are always either blurred, obscured or cut out completely!

    Here's "nude-scenes" Jennifer and her PR-team have falsely hyped-up:

    The Good Girl (2002)

    Hype: Jennifer Aniston's "First sex-scene" where she'll be "semi-nude"

    End result: No Visible Nudity! There's a "semi-nude sex-scene" but its too dark to see anything!

    Rumor has it (2005)

    Hype: There's "Topless scene".

    End result: No Visible Nudity! Shot from back!

    Derailed (2005)

    Hype: Jennifer has "steamy, passionate sex-scene" which was so "rough and physical" she got bruises on her legs-which she frequently mentioned in interviews promoting the movie.

    End result: No visible Nudity! and the "steamy sex-scene" was interrupted before it even began!

    The Break Up (2006)

    Hype: Jennifer Aniston will be completely naked! in scene where she walks around totally nude!

    Headlines: "Jennifer Aniston Bares All For The Break Up", "Jen enjoyed naked scenes", “Jennifer Aniston Gets Naked and Hairless for Film Scene”

    Quotes from Jennifer: “Its one of those scenes that you sort of forget about because you love the movie and the script so much.” “I just knew that it would be shot tastefully and it was such a funny joke in my mind, that I just figured well, just grin and bare it.” “I just got crazy, ripped off my skirt and went: ‘Woo! Woo!’”“I guess there’s something liberating about walking around completely nude. I am comfortable being naked.”

    End Result: No Visible Nudity! All nudity was cut, obscured and blurred!

    Marley & Me ( 2008 )

    Hype: Jennifer has naked skinny-dip scene!

    Headlines: "Jennifer Aniston gets naked in Marley&Me", "Owen Wilson: I loved getting naked with Jennifer Aniston".

    End result: No Visible nudity! “Skinny-dip scene” was too dark and quick to see anything.

    Horrible Bosses (2011)

    Hype: Jennifer plays "sexually aggressive", "sex-crazed" character in "raunchy" movie for which she shot topless-scene!

    Headlines: "Jen to Go Topless", "Aniston: Stripping Away the Girl Next Door", "Jennifer Aniston Secret Nude Scene".

    Quotes from "production sources" (AKA. PR): "She shot a topless-scene, but produces aren't sure if they'll use it"."you see Jen’s face and boobs in same shot".“It was something that had to be worked out before she even signed her contract, so she's committed”.

    End result: No Visible Nudity! She was "topless" but had coat on!

    AND Lastly, the worst case of false-marketing in her career, and probably movie history:

    WANDERLUST (2012)

    Hype: Jennifer Aniston FINALLY does a topless scene! and multiple sex-scenes including threesome with 2women! The PR marketing-hype about this "topless-scene" began 2YEARS before movie was released, before it even began filming!

    Headlines: "Jennifer Aniston to go Topless in Next Movie Role", "Jennifer Aniston Goes Topless, Smokes Pot and Has Orgies" "Jennifer Aniston Calls Nude Scenes 'Liberating'"

    Quotes from Jennifer: "Yeah, there was a lot of [nudity]". "Bottomless, topless. Yeah, there is. It's happening."

    End Result: NO VISIBLE NUDITY! Once again she had her topless-scene cut out and replaced with a pixelated version after 2years of hype about it!

    Even more infuriating was in interviews promoting Wanderlust (after she had nudity cut), she still kept talking about the topless scene and acting like the nudity was still in movie! Worst example of this was her disgraceful "interview" with Chelsea Handler, (who's one of Aniston's closest friends). They obviously planned the interview out together beforehand so it would generate most possible buzz by focusing on Aniston's (non-existent) nudity. The result was disgustingly deceptive comments like this:

    Chelsea: "I’ve been lucky enough to see you topless in our private life, but now America, when they go to see the movie, will get to see her topless running!"

    Aniston: "There's a lot of nudity. And a lot of slow motion action nudity!"

    This is a disgraceful display of false-marketing and deception from Aniston. When Chelsea implies that Jennifer will appear (VISIBLY) topless, instead of denying it and correcting her and saying the nudity’s been cut, like an honest person would do, she doesn't deny it and basically affirms it by saying yes theres lots of nudity! This is completely shameless behavior by Aniston! and Chelsea clearly has no integrity either!

    What Aniston and her PR-team have been doing for over a decade is blatant false advertising. A marketing ploy used just to get buzz and press coverage and sell tickets. It's a form of fraud, like an entertainment industry version of "bait and switch" - which is an ILLEGAL practice in other industries! and clearly it is intentional DECEPTION! We're not going to accept it any more!

    Especially now that shes out with her PR-team again, hyping her new movie "We're the Millers" where, despite hype we've read about Jennifer stripping in it and showing off lots of skin, the truth is she plays a stripper who DOESN'T STRIP! and uses body-doubles!

    If you're against people making money through continual false-advertising and deception, then join us, starting with "We're the Millers", in Boycotting ALL Jennifer Aniston's movies, TV shows and product endorsements - until she finally does what she and her PR-team have been falsely claiming she would do in her movies for the last decade: a nude scene (either new or released from above movies) - WITHOUT the use of body-doubles, bad lighting, prosthetics, blurring, obscuring objects or CGI!

    Sign the Petition:


    *After voting the site asks for a donation. This is completely optional. The vote is recorded regardless.*

    Her new movie (We're The Millers) opens August 7 so spread the word on boycott!

    It's payback time!
    18 people like this.
  2. robo99

    robo99 passing thru ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Oct 20, 2008
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    gee you open a screen name just for this

    maybe you should get a girlfriend or something
    3 people like this.
  3. Goatmaster6

    Goatmaster6 15 Year Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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    1 person likes this.
  4. Prevail69

    Prevail69 Killing In The Name Of ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Ten Years of Phun

    Jul 8, 2008
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    1 person likes this.
  5. Damocles


    Jun 9, 2009
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    1 person likes this.
  6. YourPalJustin

    YourPalJustin All posts by ChatGPT Staff Member SENIOR MODERATOR ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Ten Years of Phun Power Poster

    Sep 8, 2009
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    'Wanderlust' was just delivered by Netflix. Sorry dude, I got it because David Wain puts people from The State and other sketch troupes in his movies. I'm not gonna boycott Kerri Kenney and Ken Marino because you didn't get to see the tits you feel you were entitled to see.
    3 people like this.
  7. pigger

    pigger Tweedy's new boytoy ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Power Poster Tits & Tats Purveyor Of Furpie

    Jul 10, 2007
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    well ive boycotted her entire career. well if by ignoring it means boycotting
    9 people like this.
  8. yucon

    yucon "nice tool, kid" ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun Power Poster

    Jun 6, 2011
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    so... you're still waiting... :scratchchin:
    it seems that the PRteam did a good job :489:
    1 person likes this.
  9. Green Bastard

    Green Bastard feels good man

    May 12, 2012
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    Indeed, it's certainly no Wet Hot American Summer, but I would've watched and liked the movie without her in it. In fact, probably more so. As for her other movies, I wouldn't watch them even if she was nude. I'd just wait for somebody else to post the clips here (who probably got them from an early pirated rip). It's tough to effectively boycott something when you weren't a customer to begin with.
    2 people like this.
  10. haydaddict

    haydaddict Smiley King ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    i doubt it! ;)
    1 person likes this.


    Jul 28, 2013
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    "Entitled" to see?? You have COMPLETELY missed the point of the boycott, did you even read the petition letter?? We aren't boycotting because we feel we're "entitled" to see her nude in a movie, we are boycotting because she and her PR team keeps SAYING shes getting nude in movies but never does!! This is DECEPTION!! It is FRAUD! and its WRONG!! and we're not accepting it anymore!! THAT'S why we are boycotting!
    2 people like this.
  12. spiderswims

    spiderswims Eating beef jerky with Beelzebub ♔♔♔♔♔ 15 Year Member Power Poster Poll Wizard! Gayest Member Phun Award Holder

    Aug 21, 2005
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    I'm not boycotting her or her movies.
    4 people like this.
  13. robo99

    robo99 passing thru ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Oct 20, 2008
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    should have first started a poll noting the lack of promised tits in her movies and judged the reaction: unhappy? yeah or ney?

    then you wouldn't have opened a new screen name instead of J[enifer]A[niston]B[o]YC[o]TT and posted the poll elsewhere

    this one's a snoozer

    every hollywood movie is overpromised and underdelivered in one way or the other, in her case her tits are promised and not delivered
  14. KUTProductions


    Nov 16, 2005
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    I suppose all the detractors in this thread don't mind being lied to.
    1 person likes this.
  15. Booty Lover

    Booty Lover Ten Years of Phun

    Aug 7, 2005
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    And NOW you know why Brad Pitt left her for Angelina Jolie, same reason I would have left her as well!


    notice it starts with PR?
    2 people like this.
  16. orwellnelson

    orwellnelson 15 Year Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Jen still looks good, but aren't the days when people really, really wanted to see her nude long past? Now it's "Oh, she looks good for a 44-year old woman" as opposed to "Holy cow! It's Jennifer Aniston, drool, drool!!"
    1 person likes this.
  17. thumbs


    May 23, 2005
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    First off before people write something they should really learn what words mean. In no way did anyone ask her are the people watching the movie gonna see your boobs, they said is there a lot of nudity she said yes, guess what she was nude, but the camera was behind her. Do you not buy cars cause the deceive you over and over again? All you have to do is read this crazy thing called internet for reviews of her or any movie and it would tell you if she was nude well before you in your trench coats showed up to a comedy. guys get real and a life.
  18. CrazyCanuck007


    Jul 15, 2005
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    That's a lot of typing.....
    1 person likes this.
  19. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    I still enjoyed Meg Ryans nude scenes in In The Cut, although some would argue she was past her prime at that point. Yes she showed boob a bit in The Doors, but In The Cut was her first real nude scene and it was later in her career.
    2 people like this.
  20. spiderswims

    spiderswims Eating beef jerky with Beelzebub ♔♔♔♔♔ 15 Year Member Power Poster Poll Wizard! Gayest Member Phun Award Holder

    Aug 21, 2005
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    I love being lied to.

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