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Taylor Swift to perform at the Victoria's Secret fashion show

Discussion in 'Celebrity Extra' started by terminusbiggus, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. terminusbiggus

    terminusbiggus It's all good

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Unfortunately she won't be modeling. Still young Taylor is growing up. Maybe the show will give her some ideas.
  2. Superfecta


    Oct 25, 2009
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    Nah, she's too much of a prude. She needs to expose her beautiful body.
  3. Dreeday


    Aug 20, 2005
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    More like her handlers are making her do the show. There's a really really creepy, but well researched video on Youtube that shows how they use her obsession with the number 13 to "control" her. Before I saw that video, I had no idea she was that obsessed with that number. I've been waiting for Taylor to start showing some skin and this is just the beginning of the road she headed down. She's already starting to wear hot pants at a few of her concerts and then there was those modeling pics released a few months ago. I had no idea Taylor use to be an Abercrobie and Fitch model. A few of those pics showed her in a skimpy black two pic bikini. Taylor's not the prude she calms to be. Her handler are just making it look like she is. She's just following the same script Brittney and Christina had to follow back in the day. Start out wholesome then slowly "slut it up". I'm just waiting for her to do an "I'm all Grown Up" Maxim layout. It's coming people, just sit and watch.
    1 person likes this.
  4. Helloooo

    Helloooo Guest

    Theres no doubt her image is changing..

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nobody has "toe" happen that many times by "accident".
    7 people like this.
  5. josko

    josko ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Before Taylor was famous, her MySpace account was full of Taylor dropping the F-bomb, Taylor talking about getting drunk all the time, and Taylor talking about sex with her male friends. When she got famous, her handlers definitely cleaned up her act. But it's all an act. People who know her say she's a sweet girl, but she's also alot dirtier and raunchier in private than most people would think. And I agree that her image over the next few years will probably reflect this.
  6. Damocles


    Jun 9, 2009
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    Isn't everyone dirtier in private? Does that really surprise anyone?
  7. Helloooo

    Helloooo Guest

    What about the above post? She seems to be getting more open in public as well.
  8. terminusbiggus

    terminusbiggus It's all good

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Hang on while I put my boots on, I don't want to slip in the bullshit... Nice try guy, none of this is true but you can always pretend. She signed her first record deal when she was 14 and that's when she would have started to be "handled". So she packed all this wild living in before that? And you just happened to follow her MySpace account before that? Sure.
  9. josko

    josko ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    It shouldn't really surprise anyone, no. But we still have people calling her a "prude", so maybe it surprises them.
  10. josko

    josko ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I didn't follow her MySpace account then, no. But other people did. Here's a collection of a few of her posts, but there are others out there as well:


    Read the comments on the comments. Some say that a few of those MySpace posts were photoshopped. Others there say that other "controversial" posts were definitely real. But its not very hard to believe that they're true. She was 16. Nearly all 16 year old girls do the exact same things. She cursed. She drank. She talked about sex with boys. Big deal. I don't know why you need to put boots on to believe that 16 year old girls do such things, but whatever.
  11. Dreeday


    Aug 20, 2005
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    Dude thanks for that link. I honestly had to look up that term "Deep Throated the lollipop". I really had no idea it was an oral sex reference.:pat:Taylor sounds like a true party girl, behind close doors darmn, but I shouldn't be surprised, since she has fashion modeling in her background. That industry has always had a reputation of being shady.
  12. thumbs


    May 23, 2005
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    Its funny that people believe this, first so someone saved her myspace for atleast 5 years this is funny. next the modeling pitures were not for ambercrombie she just had their shirt on. guess some here just need to believe all celeb's are dirty little girls since a lot here only like then when they are less than 18. Some of you guys worry me
  13. josko

    josko ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I don't know what's so hard to believe. Online posts made in the past can easily turn up in the future. Not to mention the fact that there are Taylor fans who were fans of her when she was 16, and who are still fans of her today. And they remember this stuff. This stuff isn't new or shocking to most of Taylor's biggest fans.


    "Fuck Sewing Machines" is actually a popular meme among Taylor fandom. It comes from one of Taylor's old MySpace posts where she got frustrated with her sewing machine, went to MySpace, and simply posted "Fuck Sewing Machines!!". Click on that link and send a message to the girl that runs that tumblr blog above, and ask her where she got the name of her blog from if you don't believe me.

    A large section of Taylor fandom LOVES this side of Taylor. They want to see more of it, and they wish she would let her guard down more often, and not be so calculated in trying to project a non-controversial image. The casual or the new Taylor fans may not know of this "wild" side of Taylor, but the hardcore fans who have followed her for years know all of this to be true.

    http://dirtytaylorswift.tumblr.com/ is another tumblr blog that has lots of stuff from her past on it, such as this where she jokes about a sex van:


    This stuff is all real. Again, most of Taylor's biggest fans already know about all of this.

    And Taylor definitely was an Ambercrombie and Fitch model:



    Geez, is Google really that hard to use?
  14. terminusbiggus

    terminusbiggus It's all good

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Dude if that's your evidence it's all wishful thinking. She did some modeling so she's dirty as hell? Some of those links are bad, as for the smoking gun "dirty Taylor" quote, yeah if it's on the internet it MUST be true. Son you can believe what you want but based on that evidence I've got this bridge up in Brooklyn you might be interested in buying.
  15. Damocles


    Jun 9, 2009
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    So you're right despite not even having tried to debunk what he's saying.

    At least his bridge is built of toothpicks rather than hot air.

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