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DEBATE What are your thoughts on Celebrities Defending Islam?

Discussion in 'Celebrity Extra' started by kapat, May 6, 2017.

  1. ade31oh


    Sep 12, 2007
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    I can't believe you have the balls (hypocrisy) to say that after putting
    HILLARY up to run for president.
    your own party elected Trump by ignoring her corruption
    by screwing over Sanders. so when it comes to idiocy libtards are #1
  2. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Oh I know, voted Sanders in the primary, almost didn't vote because of how the Democrats stacked the deck to get Clinton the nomination. In the end I voted for her only because you know...Trump, and so far it's sad to say I'd do it again. The guy has been an embarrassment to himself, the Country, and the office of the President, but only on weekdays when he's working what he thinks is a 9 to 5. Save the mindless drone "libtards" for Fox News or Breitbart. It's hilarious how the right thinks the label liberal or progressive is an insult. When we hear those what you think is an oh so clever made up insult, we just roll our eyes and resist the urge to pat you on the head and send you on your way....
  3. ade31oh


    Sep 12, 2007
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    libtard= communist, socialist, progressive, fascists and Marxist
    all the same
    where in the history of the world has any one of those actually worked?
    they work up until you run out of other people's money.
    what works is capitalism, libertarian and conservatism
  4. ade31oh


    Sep 12, 2007
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    China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam
    all communist
    why do libtards want to be like them?????
  5. nathaniel5


    Mar 14, 2016
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    So libtard means both communist and fascist? Two things that are fundamentally different? Wow. That is quite an accomplishment.
    Bad Robot and Paul Christopher like this.
  6. logic9


    Apr 16, 2008
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    Well, if you feel the political left in the US is all those things (and that they're bad), what about most of the Scandinavian countries and Australia? Generally it's thought by most observers that Australia, Sweden etc. are further left on average than the USA. And as an Australian, I would say it basically works. Not perfect by any means, but a decent life expectancy, low rates of violent crime, OK education system, and people that seem to poll highly in the world on "happiness". None of this is to say it's "better" than the US, but you know what? It works just fine, and none of them are failed states.

    You should try to relax a bit - yes you disagree with the Democrats, that's cool, but to equate all they advocate with communism, socialism or Marxism is really silly because it leaves no words for what the USSR, Cuba etc. are.
    Bad Robot and boba575 like this.
  7. AlexisWhen

    AlexisWhen BANNED

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Anyone who uses the word "libtard" unironically probably doesn't deserve your attention.
    Bad Robot and nathaniel5 like this.
  8. kapat


    Nov 21, 2011
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    You're wrong though. First of all, there is an enormous population difference between those countries and US. The comparison fails on that level alone. Secondly, Australia is far right when it comes to Immigration. Ever heard of a country holding illegal offshore detention facilities for migrants? Australia is the only country that does it. Read up..


    If Trump even suggest something like this, the liberals would lose their mind and go crazy.

    And as for those Scandinavian countries, how's the muslim immigration working out for them so far? I heard Sweden isn't doing too good.

    The one country you didn't mention, Canada is the one that has been reasonably successful at pulling this off. But even then, there is that population gap when compared to US and also the fact Canada benefits a ton by being a protected neighbour of world's greatest and strongest military power. They don't have the porous border issue that US has with Mexico, so no illegal border jumpers to deal with either.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that US is not other countries around the world. You just can't simply compare like that. USA's foreign policy affects the entire world, meanwhile most nations individually don't even care about geo-political issues beyond their neighbour/region.
  9. logic9


    Apr 16, 2008
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    I don't really see why. The US has more than sufficient wealth to match that greater population.

    Yeah, as an Australian I am relatively familiar with Australian politics :) Indeed yes this has been a polarising political issue in Australia for over a decade. But anyway, the existence of these sites doesn't refute anything I said. Note below again what I said, with italics for emphasis.

    Come on man. Australia has strict gun laws, socialised healthcare, government subsidised higher education and so on. Are you actually disagreeing that Australia tends to be further left on average than the USA, because if not then you're wasting my time.

    Well Sweden isn't collapsing either. I'm willing to bet that in a decade it'll still be here and it'll still be pretty similar to what it is now - a wealthy, peaceful country where people spend the vast majority of their time waking up, commuting to work, commuting home and messing about on weekends. Countries with mass unemployment, bread lines, civil war or a natural disaster on an overwhelming scale - those are countries "not doing too good". Sweden is not one of those.

    Yup Canada seems to be working fine too, but sorry, you've provided zero evidence that it's the sole success and that other countries I've mentioned have failed to pull off being "socialist", at least as that term was being used by ade31oh.
    AlexisWhen likes this.
  10. Ripe


    Aug 28, 2005
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    My mistake... guess qualifier should be "leaders from countries that are actual democracies, not just democracy in name". ;)
  11. haroldinhos


    Mar 23, 2017
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    Australia's immigration policy is spot on. Look how they dealt with the boatloads of migrants years ago. Just told them to fuck off, basically. We shouldn't be saving them from drowning. I know how harsh that sounds, but it will save more lives in the long run. And now they don't have even a tenth of that problem compared to much of Europe.
  12. Goodfella49


    Aug 1, 2008
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    I find Trump Derangement Syndrome to be quite entertaining. Care to elaborate how Trump has been an embarrassment? I can point out many things that Imam Obama has done that has been a complete an utter embarrassment, including but not limited to:

    • Claiming to have visited 57 states (and more to visit as he said).
    • Citing Aretha Franklin's hit song the Muslim dictator spelled it "R-S-P-E-C-T."
    • Referring to Eau Claire as a "big important state."
    • Bowing to the Japanese emperor.
    • Doubling, yes doubling, the national debt from 10 trillion dollars to 20 trillion dollars after admonishing George W. Bush for increasing the debt to 10 trillion.
    • Meeting with Raul Castro and being photographed in front of the Che Guevara mural in Cuba.
    • Acting ghetto, e.g. "Obama out," "That ain't right," doing a mic drop.
    • Citing Lincoln's accomplishment of building the "intercontinental railroad." Which actually made me LOL
    • Visiting Hiroshima on Memorial Day of 2016.
    • President Duterte of the Phillipines called him a “son of a bitch.”
    • Trading five Gitmo terrorists for the release of Bowe Bergdahl
    • Sending 400 million dollars to Iran to pay a ransom. Where did he obtain the money to do so, BTW?
    • Blaming global warming (a complete hoax) for the rise of terrorism, when he is the creator of ISIS.
    • Using the IRS to target any 501(c) groups based on political leanings.
    • The Fast and Furious scandal that he oversaw with his criminal AG, Eric Holder.
    I can go and on about Obama, the worst president of my lifetime and perhaps even worse than James Buchanan -- widely considered by historians to be the worst president in history. The only thing on par with the embarrassment that is Imam Obama, is the current zeitgeist of the libtards and socialists such as yourself. You people are the paragon hypocrisy by fighting intolerance with intolerance, fighting for free speech by censoring others and forming an alliance with Islam, yet riot for separation of church and state (which isn't even in the Constitution).

    You voted for Sanders? You should be embarrassed that you voted for socialism. Socialism has been an utter fucking failure almost universally. See Venezuela as a prime, current example. You voted for Hillary? What a disgrace. Congratulations. You voted for a career criminal and a complete disaster in all political endeavors in her pathetic career of public service.

    I realize that liberalism is a mental disorder, however, I'm still going to point out some of the good that has come out of the Trump presidency. None of which would have happened under HRC:

    • The DOW daily closing stock market average has risen 14% since on November 8th.
    • The stock market has gained two trillion dollars since Trump was elected which includes the fastest ever 2000 point rise taking just 66 days.
    • Debt has DECREASED by 100 billion dollars since Trump's inauguration.
    • According to the BLS, there have been a projected increase in jobs of 738,000 in Trump's first four months. To contrast, we lost 3 million jobs under Dictator Obama in his first four months.
    • According to the U3 unemployment numbers, unemployment has decreased from 4.8% to 4.4% since Trump's inauguration. It increased under Imam Obama in his first four months, 7.8% to 9%
    • Manufacturing has increased under Trump to a 33 year high with an index of 43. Imam Obama? A negative, that's -33 during his first four months, to which he said "those jobs are never coming back."
    • NATO said that allied spending increased 10 billion dollars because of Trump. That means less money that the USA has to spend.
    • Illegal immigration has decreased by 67%. I know you libtards conflate illegal and legal immigration so I'll point out again that ILLEGAL immigration has decreased. That's a good thing because there are laws!
    • According to the US Census bureau, US housing sales have doubled in the past couple of months than there were in 2009 during the same time period. Housing is a critical driver of America's economy and also the GDP
    Trump may have his faults, but he's infinitely better than the Muslim narcissist we had destroying our country for 8 years after eight years of the inept and bumbling George W. Bush. We've had 16 years of utter incompetence before Trump and by the grace of God, we were given a reprieve from another four years with HRC or even the socialist Sanders.

    Liberals love standing on their heads and tell me I'm looking at the world upside down, but facts don't lie.
  13. Goodfella49


    Aug 1, 2008
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    Another triggered snowflake!

    Nope, no cutting and pasting, bub. And, I'm not surprised you are uniformed, or rather, ill-informed. You have nothing, just like most every other liberal I encounter. Not surprised one bit. Not. One. Bit.
  14. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Nice cut and paste, looks like a lot of work o_O, but ya lost me with the made up names, made up insult words, typical stock right wing rhetoric, and things that would have happened with or with out Trump but he took credit anyway...otherwise it might have been worth reading. Cherry picking 8 years vs. less than a 4 months of a mess, yeah right! Since you feel the need to resort puerile writing like most alt-right do I think I'll pass...not worth my time, or anyone elses...:rolleyes:
    totale likes this.
  15. Asshat


    Mar 2, 2005
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    These "conservatives" who go on about the evils of liberals and how horrible democrats are...

    These people don't have a party or a policy plan.. anything like that. The only thing that binds them is hatred for the "libtards". I mean for fucks sake one of these guys is going on about how liberals are fascists and commies in the same sentence. That's a lot of lacking of thought. They don't actually care about policy or taxation etc.

    It's just us vs them. They've been carefully brainwashed with BS for decades now and they actually feel that over half the people in the USA are more of an Enemy than anyone else, they actually believe Democrats like Obama (neo Liberals) want to destroy their America. Because they can very much seperate the fact that its all OUR America and make it into THEIR America. They pretend to be Patriots when all they are are feverish morons ignoring basic logic.

    Even now they are out there claiming Trump didn't fire Comey because of the Russia Investigation (even though Trump has since admitted such). These are the same people who are idiotic enough to think its a negative to "Defend Islam". It's a negative to defend terrorists.

    The Muslim kids I served with in the US Navy sure as hell didn't fit the nonsense stereotype that keeps getting posted in this thread. I mean sure he is in outlier but lets be real if all the Muslims wanted Jihad the war would be over, they would have one. Numbers alone.


    There is still a GOP but it isn't the people who scream MAGA.

    Also America is an Immigrant Country. When other countries say "ohh America is great' or when we say "America #1" we do it because we are #1. (used to be) because we do things that other countries don't do. Like take in Refugee's from places like Syria. We've done this for generations. We send out the USS COMFORT to go aid people all the fucking time, we are this great country that accepts people who need help because here in America anyone can make it if you put in the work! (This USED to be the way the GOP saw it because they USED to be about Fiscal Responsibility and Capitalism aka the American Dream baby etc)

    Those people who keep screaming we need to STOP allowing people to Immigrate fail to understand basic core concepts of what America is. Same thing with those willing to ignore all the press and just take thier daily pill of "what I want to hear". They fail to understand how important an unbiased and free Press is in these the United States.

    Grow a backbone trump supporters. Get your own fucking job and stop being so frightened of brown people. It's just pigmentation you cowards :)
    Bad Robot and nathaniel5 like this.
  16. haroldinhos


    Mar 23, 2017
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    Who would have thought 20 years ago that the left would be the enemy of free speech while the right tried to defend it?

    Oh and the guy above me - I hope you can see that your generalizing about 'Trump supporters' is as bad as that you claim to be against. The right didn't go on rampages and riots when Obama was elected, as far as I can remember. No, this modern 'intolerance' tends to come from the left who, ironically, always claim to be against fascism while violently shutting down free speech. You couldn't make it up, really.
  17. wigglybutt65


    Mar 19, 2017
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    For Canada its also because while we have more liberal laws when irt comes to things like gun control and health care our immigration policy is more on the conservative side.

    This is not about refugees but like people coming from countries like US/UK, France and other developed countries

    Our immigration policy tends to favor skilled immigrants.

    Heck someone like Debby Ryan could have trouble even coming into Canada even for a visit
  18. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    I find it laughable that those dictatorial regimes use the term democratic as if it's supposed to hide the fact that they are anything but a dictatorship. East Germany (German Democratic Republic) used it, and so does the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Balls.
  19. AlexisWhen

    AlexisWhen BANNED

    Oct 20, 2016
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    You even see it in party and group names. Any political party with "freedom" in their name, for example, is almost certainly some authoritarian, perhaps neo-Nazi, gaggle of fuckwits looking to restrict rights.
    Bad Robot and J3scribe like this.
  20. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    Right. And whenever the term "peoples'" is used, you can be your ass that blind conformity is heavily involved.
    AlexisWhen likes this.

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