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Would Emma watson still be so popular IF she wasn't English Actress?

Discussion in 'Celebrity Extra' started by tenthgallon, Dec 9, 2013.


Would Emma watson still be so popular IF she wasn't English Actress?

Poll closed Aug 16, 2014.
  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. pigger

    pigger Tweedy's new boytoy ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Power Poster Tits & Tats Purveyor Of Furpie

    Jul 10, 2007
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    ditto. still the best birthday gift a celebs ever given us :)
  2. chyron


    May 11, 2007
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    Actually, who of them are really famous for acting? Jodie, Drew,Kirsten?

    Foster began way before my time so i can't say, her acting is solid.

    Kirsten had rocket-like launch with Interview.., though probably still be high in list w/o it.

    Drew got same with ET and Firestarter - would she got role in Poison Ivy otherwise i dunno. Not that thrilled by her though.

    Ricci has rather "non standart" image, so while she could start from niche roles i doubt that she would landed in Prozac Nation and Sleepy Hollow w/o experience accrued since Addamses. Though probably still be famous enough.

    Only Eliza was really spotlighted after reaching 18 - by BtVS and to lesser extent BringItOn. But Whedon really likes to get former female teen stars in his shows too - and her career is solid B-grade and indie anyway.

    Michelle... w/o bein' Dawn she would be another pretty one-ep actress in tv series. HERE we like her as memory of BtVS's S5/S6's forbidden fruit, not as a B-grade actress.

    LiLo...she's more famous for bein' scandalous teenstar trainwreck than movie roles.

    So let's don't underestimate importance of head start.
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  3. Gutex0

    Gutex0 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Feb 22, 2008
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    yep but Ubiq is far better.
    as for tenthgallon question she's not english born but in Paris , she's very pretty and alented and picks good movies not like others teen stars.
  4. Billy Sastard

    Billy Sastard One thousand brown M&Ms ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Ten Years of Phun

    Aug 18, 2006
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    WTF are you talking about?

    All of them.
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  5. BrusselsDick


    Jan 31, 2010
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    It's not the question of her nationality, she's been in movies (namely the HP series and Bling Ring) with a global audience enceforth she's known and wanked to worldwide. Kapat is right, I don't know who Nina Dobrev is. But that doesn't mean she's not hot, that just means I don't live in the US and I haven't seen her in anything.
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  6. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    In order to answer I need to understand popular as it is used here. Popular in what way? As an actress? Im not sure she is all that popular. Does she have an extensive resume of high profile work? If she does im unaware. I would agree that any popularity she may have in this regard most likely would come from her work in Harry Potter series, which was absolutely high profile worldwide.

    Now if we are defining popular as her being the object of affection for hornballs who may or may not be getting much tail, then I think her english accent might come into play a small amount but overall its her looks that deserve more of the credit. I assume people are wanking over pics of her rather than an audio recording of her voice.
  7. Ashten


    Feb 10, 2011
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    I'm kinda obsessing over Emma right now and the English accent adds to her appeal.
  8. quelargo1976

    quelargo1976 15 Year Member

    Jul 1, 2006
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    Her being English is a huge factor in her popularity, but not because she is English per se. She would not have been cast as Hermione Grainger if she weren't English. Thus we likely would never have heard of her. While I think she may actually be a pretty good actress, thus far none of her movies other than HP have made anywhere near the kind of splash in a global market to create the kind of fame she currently holds. There is a high degree of likely hood that without HP she may never have made it as an actress.
  9. Bronn

    Bronn Drunk with fire

    Oct 1, 2013
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  10. chyron


    May 11, 2007
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    Not to same degree. And just to add - Jessica Alba is famous actress but her real skill/"superpower" is succubi-like power of being instant turn on for males and part of females. As actress she's mediocre to poor("Good Luck,Chuck" or "Love Guru" anyone?), so chances are high that missing "Flipper" she wouldn't get in "Idle Hands" and "Dark Angel", not to mention "Sin City". Kirsten Dunst on other hand leaves impression that acting for her is like swimming for fish - but while she's not ugly,she's definitely not a succubi or even are not any prettier than half of "girls next door".

    Returning on topic - if hypothetical non-british-accented Emma would got in role of/as attention-bringing as/ "Hermione", then she'd be as famous - and her accent won't matter a thing (btw french accent can be very sensual too, though that's bad cliche nowadays :rant:).
    And don't forget - for larger part of the world her accent is indiscernible, most people do not speak english as well as their native language , and movies they watch often dubbed.
  11. Billy Sastard

    Billy Sastard One thousand brown M&Ms ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Ten Years of Phun

    Aug 18, 2006
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    May I just point out, the quote was "Actually, who of them are really famous for acting?" not "Which one is more famous than the other?"
  12. chyron


    May 11, 2007
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    See Alba part of my reply, esp. applying to LiLo :)
  13. lspiderl

    lspiderl Guest

    the only main reason she is so popular besides beign cute is she played Herminie on the harry potter movies
  14. HajimeNoippo


    Sep 14, 2012
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    The answer is no, she might have been born in France. But she was raised in England, this gave her the huge opportunity to enter the Harry Potter franchise. She is still riding that fame now and lets face it will for as long as she is young.

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