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DEBATE Kristen Stewart's Fuckin' Hair

Discussion in 'Celebrity Extra' started by kevinstfx, May 20, 2017.

  1. AlexisWhen

    AlexisWhen BANNED

    Oct 20, 2016
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    The vitriol and negativity is tiresome and annoying. I'm not a fan of her haircut, either, but I don't go around saying it makes her a lesbian or a boy. I don't trash her over it. I would walk away from people spouting that nonsense in real life, I certainly don't want to read it here.
  2. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Yes it does and yes I am because she looks like Justin Beiber or Eminem. NO thanks!


    And this is the most feminine I've seen her look in a while. Most of the time she dresses like this

  3. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    I didn't know she was lesbian when I started posting. I don't care what her sexual preferences are frankly. About politics, I was saying that attractiveness is more than just looks. Personality and your opinions come into play. For comparison sake and since this is a liberal forum, what do you think of Ivanka Trump? Is she attractive? You might say yes, but once you factor in her politics, the liberals would likely say no. I never said women can't talk about politics. It just makes them less attractive if you don't agree or they are spewing nonsense. I don't know about Kristen's politics and hopefully I don't ever, that gives her bonus points right there.
  4. jazzx


    Aug 26, 2010
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    She looks nothing like him besides the haircut. Do you confuse Zoe Saldana with Rosario Dawson because they both have dark skin? Scarlett Johansson and Kristen Bell because they're both blonde? Megan Fox and Jennifer Connelly?

    Yeah, wearing make-up, showing your belly button, and high-waisted pants is totally a masculine look...
  5. khashoggi

    khashoggi ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Oct 26, 2008
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    A woman:
    but careful, don't get a boner!
  6. Mr_Pee_Pee

    Mr_Pee_Pee ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

    Oct 8, 2009
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    So you don't know anything about her statement in politics (me neither btw) but yet you bring it up for whatever reason. And just for the record attractiveness is subjective for fuck sake. Therefore it's useless to argue about it. Just for example nobody can convince me that Sophie Tuner is attractive but you don't see me coming in a Sophie Tuner thread and bitch about her. Guys like you just want to tell the internet that your taste in women is superior.

    and to Ivanka Trump (btw why am I not surprised that you bring an offspring of that orange clown to the subject?) yes I find her unattractive because she is like in her mid 30's and need to wear a ton of make-up to cover her plastic surgery face. Her 'politics' are a joke so I wouldn't count that in your ridicules 'attractiveness rating system' but hey I'm German so I always have a good chuckle when I read something about the Trump clan.
    bigbadgrizly likes this.
  7. Flippy

    Flippy Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15 Year Member Power Poster Phun Award Holder

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Since its a debate i have moved the thread here. As always freedom of speech applies. No calling celebs cunts or other rough derrogatory terms. Same goes for members.
    SophieK81, tacomaguy20 and Mr_Pee_Pee like this.
  8. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Funny that everyone you mentioned is an attractive woman with long hair. Very curious you would pick all women superior in attractiveness to Kristen normally, let alone with short hair. And yes, that is a masculine look. You can't tell she has tits or curves to speak of in that photo. And men tend to have belly buttons too and some men look feminine in their features. Plus she is wearing a pad lock on a chain around her neck. Come on, your just shitting with me now.
  9. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    I brought up political opinions as one condition of attractiveness. I was pointing out reasons for the complaints about women on this board. Or were you not following the conversation? And there are certain features that men tend to find attractive in women and when women abandon those, they tend to get complaints. I was just pointing that out. Kristen, I don't think has broken many, or the complaints towards her would be more like the number you get from Emma Watson. Which is a shit ton by the way and she's very attractive. As far as attractiveness being subjective, it is, and I mentioned as much earlier. Nevertheless, the complaints tend to come from men who don't find the women attractive in some way. Now I wouldn't go complain about Sophie Turner unless she put her foot in her mouth. She is very attractive. And while you might not complain about her, likely because you'd be laughed at, someone might. Especially if she cut her hair off and started wearing men's clothes.
  10. jazzx


    Aug 26, 2010
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    Kristen Bell and Scarlett Johansson have short hair... and I don't find ScarJo to be attractive at all (attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder, as someone else already said). And yeah, obviously men also have belly buttons, but show me pictures of male celebrities exposing their belly button at Cannes... It's not a masculine look.

    Because you selectively chose a photo of her wearing a fucking jacket.

    OK, and...??? What are you projecting with this statement?

    You're* just shitting yourself at this point.
  11. Kalamity


    Oct 23, 2015
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    I think Kstew is a very very beautiful woman, when she's being feminine.
    When she does the androgynous look she's still attractive, but not so much IMO.

    is she a lesbian? Well time will tell. Bi-sexuality was/is a big thing in hollywood especially among young femme celebs.
    Bella Thorne claims to be bi. Miley Cyrus was believed a lesbian but then got back with Chris Hemsworth. Kstew was in two high profile relationships with men and then linked to women and at least one serious relationship with a lady to my knowledge. Is she a lesbian now, only she knows and time will tell. In a decade she might be married to some dude or go full Jodie Foster.

    I agree celebs should avoid politics. It doesn't matter what your politics are if a celeb contradicts a fans opinion, chances are they can lose that fan. The current political climate is highly divisive. Its an Us vs Them situation. the smart move for any entertainer whom relies on popularity is to appeal to as many people as possible and not rock the boat.
    I mean they are not politicians. They are people playing pretend for our amusement.
    Naturally any celeb can choose to stand up for his/her principles and make political statements. Its a right we all have. However it shouldn't come as a surprise if people whom don't agree become vocal.

    I don't dislike Kstwew. The opposite in fact. though I have no idea what her political opinions are. I havent paid any attention to be honest. I dont care to find out either. Likely if I did find out it wouldn't change my desire to see her naked.
    I dislike her new shaved head look. But still think she's a beautiful woman, who just made an unflattering style choice.
    tacomaguy20 likes this.
  12. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    This is the statement that started all this shit, and it's so typical of you. You couldn't just say I pass, or nothing at all. No, you had to be a trolling dick about it and express your disdain and animosity. You're the most negative human being I've run across in a long time.
    Mr_Pee_Pee, khashoggi and AlexisWhen like this.
  13. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    I'm sorry, but no, it was the quote before that. The first quote in this new thread after it was moved. The one I responded to in fact. If someone is drooling over how beautiful Kristen is when this is the worse I've seen her look probably ever, I had to make a comment bringing back some reality into the mix. I'm all for expressing your love for beautiful celebrities but when they look terrible, the obvious overreaction of how hot they are is unwarranted. And keep in mind that I only said what a lot of other men were thinking. As for me being negative, I'm not. Normally I see a thread, I agree and keep trucking, maybe put a few likes down. The only time I'm negative is when it is warranted. If everybody agreed with how hot someone was every time some pictures were posted of unattractive women, this forum would go downhill fast and would be filled with the 4's and 5's of the world instead of the 10's. Let's have some quality control and some honesty with our reactions shall we.

    Oh by the way love the new thread name. lol
  14. AlexisWhen

    AlexisWhen BANNED

    Oct 20, 2016
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    "Stop liking what I don't like!!!"
    Mr_Pee_Pee and J3scribe like this.
  15. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    You fucking dump on everything. It's your nature.
    Mr_Pee_Pee and AlexisWhen like this.
  16. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    All of those posts are over maybe 4 or 5 threads in this entire forum. I'd say that's a pretty small number considering how many threads are posted everyday. To say I "dump" on everything is laughable.
  17. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    The celebrities we post and talk about here are people with the right to do what they want with their hair and bodies, and express their opinions. We on this board have the right to respectfully offer opinion on that look and should try to have reasonable debate on a celebs public statements if and when warranted. We may not like the hair, outfit, or the most recent tattoo, so comment on that and don't disparage the person. Personally I'm not a fan of Stewart's acting, and as to her latest look, I think it works for her. As to her lifestyle....who cares? I live in the SF Bay area so I try to be open-minded.

    Scribe was right, the hair is for a role where she's going to be a marine engineering wearing a diving helmet most of the time.
    Stewart just cut it short, here are some other actresses and singers that really chopped it off...

    Tilda Swinton – Doctor Strange
    Demi Moore – G.I. Jane
    Karen Gillan – Guardians of the Galaxy
    Robin Tunney – Empire Records
    Cate Blanchett – Heaven
    Halle Berry – Nappily Ever After
    Sigourney Weaver – Alien 3
    Ellen Page – Mouth to Mouth
    Charlize Theron – Mad Max: Fury Road
    Persis Khambatta – Star Trek: The Motion Picture
    Natalie Portman – V for Vendetta
    Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables
    Cara Delevingne - Life In A Year
    Kellie Pickler - To show support for a friend who had chemo.
    Halsey, Jessie J, Amber Rose....just because.
  18. TheloniousMonk

    TheloniousMonk Warningmonger ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Well said. If hollywood could focus on having them take their clothes off instead of chopping their hair it would be an improvement, but hey whatever it takes for a role.. sometimes.

    Robin actually wore wigs for a lot of roles, and all the time for a while, so who knows when it may have been cut or not.
    tacomaguy20 likes this.
  19. khashoggi

    khashoggi ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Oct 26, 2008
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    Hey, good news everybody!
  20. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    The whole conversation has been about Kristen's hair and how she dresses with a few comments on her acting. I think those comments are fair since we watch her movies. I don't feel that I've disparaged her unless you think comparing her to a boy does that. I think her cutting her hair does that. But I've said that I don't think she looks so bad normally. I even said when this role is over she can grow her hair out and start looking normal again. And all of those women in those movies you mentioned look equally horrible with short hair. You guys make it seem like because its for a role, it somehow makes it less unattractive. It doesn't. God do you remember how god awful Sigourney Weaver looked with short hair.

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